Calculate Defect Severity Index

Calculate Defect Severity Index

One of the most important factors in Software Testing is analysis of test results. If we dont use matrix we have no way to measure the progress of what we have done.

Defect Severity Index is one of the software testing matrix that provides a measurement of the quality of a product under test. DSI considers weighted average of defect severity. Aspects that we can measure includes: reliability, fault tolerance and stability.

The calculation of the DSI can be achieved in the following three steps :

Step 1: We assign a number to each severity as :

Step2: Then we multiply the number of issues in each category by the assigned number as:
                    (Num of Blocker * 9) + (Number of Critical issue * 8)

Step3: We divide by the Total issue count

ex: ( (Num of Blocker * 9) + (Number of Critical issue * 8) + (Number of Major issue *3) + (Minor issue count * 2) + (Trivial issue count * 1) ) /Total issue count
