Using Cypress app actions to automate CopytoClipboard
In this blog post we will look at a method of using AppActions in Cypress to handle a copy to clipboard scenario.
Generally when we automate a UI based application, we use the page object model to capture the page elements and then we interact with each web element by creating an object of that page object class within the test class. With cypress we can use App actions that help to interact with the internal logic without going through the UI.
I recently had to automate a scenario where a page had a copy to clipboard option that generates a URL which the end user can then paste on a new tab and continue with the work. When this button is clicked the web page would generate a URL and getting hold of the URL was not an easy task using any standard methods of cypress.
To handle the copy to clipboard and to get a hold of the URL, I needed to use the app actions and interact directly with the internal logic to get hold of the generated URL.
cy.window().its('navigator.clipboard').then((clip) => clip.readText()).then((textVal) => { |
When the test is invoked the URL generated from the button click will be opened with the cy.visit within the same tab of the cypress test runner.
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