How to load the Informix DB on DB Visualizer

Hi all, todays blog post is on how to connect to the infomix database via a tool called DB Visualizer. 

To start off we need to download the file in rpm format dbvis_linux_9_0_5.rpm. Once this file is downloaded we need to install this. First login as the root user and give rpm -ivh dbvis_linux_9_0_5.rpm this will install the file in location /opt/DbVisualizer. 

To load the DB Visualizer, from the location /opt/DbVisualizer give the command ./dbvis

To load the DB, the first action is to specify a alias as shown below. As shown below enter the name of the alias in the available textfield.

Next, we need to select the database type and the driver related to the infomix database. Click on the drop-down and select the driver required for the informix database.

Once the drive is selected clicking on the Next button, as shown on the below screen, the DB Visualizer will generate a screen to specify the DB username/password, the IP and Port for the Infomix DB along with the DB name and the DB Server name. Once the configurations are given click on "Ping to server" button to determine if the connection can be established.

Completion of the above steps will load the necessary databases for the configurations provided.
