Invoking a secure API endpoint with rest assure using OAuth2 accesstoken

Invoking a secure API endpoint with rest assure using OAuth2 access token

Hi, all welcome to another of my lockdown blog series posts.  I will show how we can invoke a secured API endpoint with RestAssure using an OAuth2 access token. For this post, I will be using an application that I have created on [1].

As we all know OAuth2 is an authorization framework that enables applications to obtain access to user accounts for specific scopes. OAuth2 provides various grant types such as client_credentials, Authorisation code, implicit and  Resource owner password client. For this post, I will be using the client_credentials grant type within the RestAssure test.

So the below discussion assumes that you have already created an application on[1] and have the relevant client id and client secret with you. So the first step for this task is to create a maven project with your favorite IDE. To start working with rest assure we need to first add the required dependencies.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <!-- -->
      <!-- -->

Once the dependencies are added our first task is to write a method that would generate the access token.  For this, I will be using the client_id, client_secret and the grant type as client credentials as generated by the application.

Response response=null;
public String getAccessToken(){
  response=  RestAssured.
            .formParam("client_secret", "5fc9cfc6cc2aabc123abc12d12563fg8")
    String accessToken=response.jsonPath().get("access_token");
    return accessToken; }

So, as we can see from the above code we are passing the client_id,clent_secret as formParams along with the grant type and we are calling the token endpoint. Next, the getAccessToken method will obtain the accessToken from the response and pass it as a String.

public void testMethod(){

    String accessToken=getAccessToken(); 
In our test method the first line we obtain the access token returned by the getAccessToken method. next, we call the API endpoint and hit the endpoint with the barn-unlock scope. Once the POST call is made the test will assert if the response returned for the API invocation is a 200.

Hope this post helped you to get an idea of how we can use OAuth2 with RestAssure for API Test automation.

